Birth of FSFLA

During the 5tas Jornadas Regionales del Software Livre, that took placein Rosario, Argentina, the founding members of FSFLA Free SoftwareFoundation Latin America took the first formal steps to the Foundation'slegal constitution, joining the network of Free Software Foundations.

During its Founding Assembly, the Council of Administration of FSFLAdesigned as President Federico Heinz, as Secretary Alexandre Oliva andBeatriz Busaniche as Treasurer, constituting the Executive Council ofthe new organization. The other members of the Council ofAdministration are Enrique A. Chaparro, Mario M. Bonilla, Fernanda G.Weiden and Juan José Ciarlante.

The official launch of the new organization was attended by thePresident of Free Software Foundation Europe, Georg Greve.

FSFLA is the fourth Free Software Foundation in the network, started in1985 with the Free Software Foundation by Richard M. Stallman, laterjoined by Free Software Foundation Europe and India.


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