Help the largest Latin American Free Software Conference
On the next april, FISL will take place for the 7th time in Porto Alegre/RS Brasil. FISL has consolidated itself as the biggest and most important Free Software event in Latin America, one of the coolest event in the world, as said by Georg Greve and other people who have been to most of Free Software conferences around the world.
It is an event that shows how to practice social responsability in its local community: every year FISL uses part of the subscription fee value to buy not perishable foods and donate it to local groups that fight against hunger in Brazil. Last year, FISL's organisers donated more than 11,5 tons of food and 3 tons of seeds that could be used to plant and produce 3000 tons of food.
Besides the solidarity numbers, FISL had more than 4.5 thousand atendees. 13,54% are women. A number that will hopefully increase, but even being small, is better than the number of other conferences I have attended. Last year more than 12000 different connections were received on the streaming servers, and there were 12 primary replicators.
This will be the second year that FISL will transmit all its sessions by internet, using the Free Software TV, but there are limitations of bandwidth that may make it difficult to happen, or very limited. All the transmission is made using Free (as in freedom) encoders for audio and video, and there is no need for disk space: only bandwidth.
So, if you or your organisation have good internet bandwidth available, please contact me (nanda at fsfe dot org) and let me put you in contact with the organisers in order to make this event available to as much people as we can.