Fourteen - Around the world

So, today I got the most expensive airplane ticket ever. But anyway, if circumstances don't change, I might be spending Christmas in Salvador, and New Years in Ilheus. Then I started to think about how much traveling me and B will do in the next months. Specially how much flying I will do until the end of the year.

I'm currently in San Francisco, returning to Zurich on Sep 27th, then going to Sao Paulo on Oct 7th, then to Sorocaba on 8th for a friend's wedding, Sao Paulo again on Oct 10th, Porto Alegre on Oct 11th, and back in Zurich on Oct 17th. After that, I am coming to San Francisco again on Oct 28th. I go back to Zurich on Nov 12th, and probably flying to Sao Paulo on Nov 18th. Then to Porto Alegre on the 20th, and then to Zurich on Nov 23rd.

B and I will take the same flight back to Zurich, and we go skiing. Then B leaves Zurich on Dec 7th. And then I am going to SSA on Dec 23rd. And back in Zurich on Jan 4th.

Well, how many times could we go around the world with this back and forth of next 3 months? So that's today's song: "Volta ao Mundo". It talks about circumstances, and travel, and cute things. No video on YT that I could find.

A volta ao mundo e aqui chegueeeeeeei
Para ficar um dia ou dois
Um dia ou dois

Ou três ou quatro ou cinco ou seeeeeeeis
A depender do coração
As circunstâncias disporão
Dirão que sim, dirão que não
E eu ficarei um dia a mais
Talvez não parta nunca mais
A depender do coração
Do meu amor, do seu feijão
Da dor da dor, da cor do mar
As circunstâncias disporão
Porão você pra fora, e a mim
Porão de castigo a chorar sem fim
Choraaaaar sem fim

Seeeeeeeeeeei, agora eu sei
Que dei a volta, e a volta volta a me deixar aqui
Aqui sozinho, sem ninguém
Sozinho, sem ninguém

Vem, me faz um ninho
Faz de conta que eu sou passarinho
Minha sabiá
Minha zabelê
Pelo meu caminho
Toda meia-noite eu sonho com você
Se você duvida, eu vou sonhar pra você ver


Unknown said…
wow! You are traveling a lot!

And I complaining with just 2 flights in a month...

Take care girl.

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